
What Was Andrew Jackson's Educational Background

Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States. He was a "man of the people", and his ballot in 1828 to the highest office of the land was alike to a political, social, and economic revolution. He had trivial in common with those who had held that prestigious position before him. A man with little pedagogy and who was primarily known every bit a war machine man, the "hero" of the Indian Wars, he encouraged increased popular participation in government. He is oftentimes thought of as a self-made man. How is his self-making dissimilar or like to what y'all but read by Emerson and Truth? Read this short biography for a fuller picture of the man, his legacy, and how his presidency shaped the period.

Andrew Jackson: 1829-1837

He symbolized the "rising of the common man". A popular hero of his time, a human being of action, and an expansionist, he was associated with the movement toward increased popular participation in government, the "Jacksonian Democracy".

Built-in Mar. 15, 1767, Waxhaw settlement, SC
Political political party Democratic
Education read law in Salisbury, NC, 1784-87
Military service ♦ Waxhaw settlement militia, 1780
♦ Tennessee Militia, 1802-14
♦ U.S. Army, 1814-xviii (Major Full general). Victorious leader in the battles of Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans.
Previous public role ♦ public prosecutor, Mero Commune, TN, 1787
♦ Tennessee Constitutional Convention, 1796
♦ House of Representatives, 1796-97
♦ U.S. Senate, 1797-98
♦ Governor of Florida, 1821
♦ U.S. Senate, 1823-25
Died June viii, 1845, near Nashville, Tenn.

Portrait of Andrew Jackson

Early on Life

Andrew Jackson was built-in on the Carolina frontier, the merely American President born of immigrant (Irish) parents. His male parent died just earlier he was born, soon after arriving from Ireland, and his female parent and ii brothers died during the revolutionary war.

After the outbreak of the American Revolution, Jackson, barely xiii years old, served as an orderly to Col. William Richardson. Following one engagement, Jackson and his brother were captured by the British and taken to a prison military camp. When Jackson refused to clean an officer's boots, the officer slashed him with a sword, leaving a permanent scar on his forehead and left manus. Jackson was the simply member of his family unit to survive the war, and it is more often than not believed that his harsh, adventuresome, early life developed his strong, aggressive qualities of leadership, his tearing atmosphere, and his need for intense loyalty from friends.

Later the war Jackson drifted from ane occupation to another and from i relative to some other. He squandered a small inheritance and for a time lived a wild, undisciplined life that gave free rein to his passionate nature. He developed lifelong interests in horse racing and cock-fighting and frequently indulged in outrageous practical jokes. Continuing merely over half dozen anxiety tall, with long, precipitous, bony features lighted past intense blue eyes, Jackson presented an imposing effigy that gave every impression of a will and need to control.

After learning the saddler's trade, Jackson tried school-pedagogy for a flavor or 2, then left in 1784 for Salisbury, Northward. C., where he studied law in a local office. Three years later, licensed to do law in North Carolina, he migrated to the western district that eventually became Tennessee. Appointed public prosecutor for the district, he took upwards residence in Nashville.

A successful prosecutor and lawyer, he was especially useful to creditors who had trouble collecting debts. Since coin was scarce in the West, he accustomed land in payment for his services and within 10 years became one of the about important landowners in Tennessee. Unfortunately his speculations in land failed, and he spiraled deeply into debt, a misadventure that left him with lasting monetary prejudices. He came to condemn credit because it encouraged speculation and indebtedness. He distrusted the annotation-issuing, credit-producing aspects of banking and abhorred paper money. He regarded hard money as the only legitimate means by which honest men could appoint in business transactions.

While Jackson was emerging as an of import citizen by virtue of his land holdings, he likewise accomplished social status past marrying Rachel Donelson, the girl of one of the region's original settlers. The Jacksons had no children of their ain, merely they adopted one of Rachel'south nephews and named him Andrew Jackson, Jr.

When Congress created the Southwest Territory in 1790, Jackson was appointed an attorney general for the Mero Commune and judge advocate of the Davidson County militia. In 1796 the northern portion of the territory held a ramble convention to petition Congress for admission as a state to the Union. Jackson attended the convention every bit a delegate from his canton. Although he played a modest part in the proceedings, one tradition does credit him with suggesting the name of the state: Tennessee, derived from the proper name of a Cherokee Indian chief.

Political Career

Jackson helped to draft the state constitution in 1795, served at the country ramble convention in 1796, and was sent to the U.S. Business firm the following year and then the Senate in 1797, serving one twelvemonth. He served on the Tennessee Superior Court from 1799 to 1804 but resigned to devote himself to business. Several reverses forced him to sell Hunter's Loma and move to a smaller plantation, the Hermitage. He bred, raised, and raced horses successfully.

In a duel on May 30, 1806, Jackson shot and killed Charles Dickinson for making unflattering remarks well-nigh Jackson's wife; ane of Dickinson'due south bullets remained in his breast. In 1813 Jackson was shot in a hotel ball with Thomas Hart Benton and Jesse Benton, ii brothers who dominated politics in Missouri, and the bullet was non removed until 1832.

Jackson took command of the Tennessee state militia during the War of 1812. Fighting the Creek Indians, who were centrolineal with the British, he won the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama in March 1814. This victory concluded the Creek State of war, forcing the tribe to cede more than 23 1000000 acres to the Us.

In May he was commissioned a major general of the regular army. He then captured Pensacola, Florida, and defeated the British at the Boxing of New Orleans in 1815. The British suffered more than 2,000 expressionless, including their commanding general; American losses totaled 8 killed and 13 wounded. These military victories made Jackson, known as Sharp Pocketknife to the Indians and Onetime Hickory to the Americans, a national figure.

After the war, Jackson fought other Indian tribes, defeating the Chickasaw, the Choctaw, and the Cherokee. In 1818 he commanded troops in the Seminole Wars in Georgia. He invaded Spanish Florida and executed two British subjects who had stirred upwards an Indian defection, causing a diplomatic furor. Jackson defeated an attempt by the House of Representatives to censure him. After the United States caused Florida from Spain, President James Monroe appointed him the first territorial governor.

Jackson was elected to the Senate in 1823, occupying a seat adjacent to Thomas Hart Benton, the man who had nearly killed him in 1813. The two soon became political allies, and Jackson began campaigning for the Presidency. In the election of 1824 he received the most popular and electoral votes of any candidate in the 4-person race but non plenty to win election. In the contingency ballot -held considering no candidate received a majority of electoral college votes -the Firm of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams over Jackson and William Crawford. As Speaker of the Business firm, Henry Clay had controlled the fundamental House votes that elected Adams. Adams and so named Dirt secretary of state, an date that led Jackson's followers to charge that a "corrupt bargain" had been fabricated. Jackson resigned from the Senate in 1825 to organize his next run for the Presidency.

By 1828 the number of voters had almost quadrupled, and in every state except South Carolina electors were called directly by the voters, not past the state legislatures. Jackson and Martin Van Buren organized state parties to mobilize and turn out this large electorate. The huge turnout in what was the first fully democratic election in the The states gave Jackson an overwhelming popular and electoral college vote over his opponent, John Quincy Adams, who ran on the National Republican ticket. But tragedy marred his victory: between his election and inauguration his wife, Rachel, died.

Jackson'due south accretion to power in Washington was alike to a political, social, and economic revolution. By his clothing, his speech, and his manners, Jackson was a "man of the people" with trivial in common with the Virginia or Massachusetts aristocrats who had previously saturday in the White Firm. He was a military man with niggling Washington experience, a man with most no formal education, and the first "outsider" to win the White House. Jackson had swept away the party-less Era of Skillful Feelings and soon created a new political party, the Democrats, with a potent Southern and Western base among frontiersmen, pocket-sized farmers, and workers.


Early in his term Jackson dismissed virtually 1-10th of the officeholders in Washington and replaced them with his followers. Jackson embraced the principle of rotation in office, in which government officials are appointed on the basis of political ties, rather than a permanent civil service with lifetime appointments.

There was a potent element of personalism in the rule of the hotheaded Jackson, and the Kitchen Cabinet, a pocket-sized group of favorite advisers-was powerful. Vigorous publicity and fierce journalistic attacks on anti-Jacksonians were ably handled past his staff. Party loyalty was intense, and party members were rewarded with government posts in what came to be known as the spoils system. Personal relationships became of utmost importance.

Jackson soon became embroiled in traditional Washington society. Peggy O'Neale, the girl of a saloon keeper, married Jackson's secretarial assistant of state of war, John Eaton, and was ostracized by other cabinet wives, who claimed she had been having an adulterous thing with Eaton prior to their wedlock. Rumors about Mrs. Eaton were spread by the married woman of Vice President John C. Calhoun. Jackson took Peggy Eaton'south side confronting the leaders of Washington society.

Afterward, his disagreement with Calhoun over the Tariff of Abominations of 1828 led to an open up divide betwixt them. In the spring of 1831 Jackson forced out the three members of the cabinet who would not accept Peggy Eaton. He established the principle, new in American authorities, that the chiffonier secretaries serve at the pleasance of the President and are subordinate to his will.

The dominant consequence during Jackson' s presidency was the Banking concern War. Jackson took on the Second Bank of the United States, a private corporation created as the linchpin of national economic policy-making. The national government held i-fifth of the bank'south stock and kept its deposits there, and the bank'south notes were legal tender (currency). On July 10, 1832, Jackson vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would take rechartered the bank, which was due to expire in 1836, attacking information technology every bit a law "to make the rich richer and the stiff more powerful". Congress was unable to override his veto.

The result developed because of Jackson'south prejudice against paper coin and banks and considering of his contention that the Second Bank of the United states (established in 1816) was non just unconstitutional but had failed to plant a sound and uniform currency. Moreover, he suspected the Depository financial institution of improper interference in the political process.

Jackson made the veto a major issue in his 1832 reelection campaign. He identified the bank with "special privileges" that the authorities had given to local bankers affiliated with the national banking company. He argued that government should remain neutral among fiscal institutions. The entreatment made Jackson seem like a representative of the common human confronting the wealthy and privileged, though Jackson had not explicitly chosen for class conflict.

With Martin Van Buren on his ticket, Jackson won an overwhelming victory over Henry Dirt. He claimed he had a mandate to destroy the depository financial institution. He ordered his secretary of the Treasury, William Duane, to remove Treasury deposits from that bank and place them in country banks that were affiliated with his new party. When Duane refused, Jackson fired him, appointed his chaser general, Roger Taney, to his place, and had the deposits removed. Jackson's opponents in Congress organized a new political party, the Whigs, to oppose his policies and his do of Presidential power. The banking concern went out of beingness in 1836.

By the end of Jackson's term, the national debt had been entirely paid and the regime was running a surplus that Jackson's successor, Van Buren, distributed to the states.

Jackson took personal charge of Indian policy. In 1830 he got Congress to pass a police authorizing him to create new Indian lands west of the Mississippi River and to transport Indians at that place. He then negotiated with Indian tribes, forcing the Chickasaw, the Choctaw, and the Creek to move due west. In 1832 he encouraged Georgia to violate an 1831 Supreme Court ruling, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, that was supposed to prevent Georgia from taking over Cherokee lands, and that tribe was removed forcibly afterwards Jackson left function. Many Indians died along the "trail of tears" during these removals.

As the offset President whose election rested on a truly popular base, Jackson translated electoral back up straight into Presidential power. Jackson also used Presidential power in a nullification controversy. In November 1832, with Vice President Calhoun'south support, South Carolina passed a resolution nullifying, or preventing enforcement of, the high tariffs of 1828 and 1832 within the land. In December, Jackson responded with a proclamation to the people of South Carolina warning them against nullification or secession and reminding them of the supremacy of the national government and its police. He warned the citizens who were preparing to defend South Carolina militarily that "disunion past armed force is treason". Calhoun resigned his part in protest over these tariffs and Jackson's strong stance. In March 1833 Jackson gained from Congress a "Force Bill" giving him the power to utilise federal forcefulness to ensure compliance with the tariff as well as a reduction in the high rates designed to defuse the crunch. Subsequently Jackson sent warships to Charleston Harbor, South Carolina backed down, withdrawing its nullification of the tariff on Jackson's birthday.

The struggle between Jackson and Calhoun epitomized the strains that would somewhen tear the Marriage apart. At a dinner in Washington in 1830 Jackson had given a famous toast: "Our federal Union -it must be preserved". But Vice President Calhoun had responded, "The Union -side by side to our liberty, virtually dear". The question of national supremacy would remain an open issue until the stop of the Ceremonious War.


Jackson retired to the Hermitage and lived out his life at that place. He was all the same despised as a loftier-handed and capricious dictator by his enemies and revered every bit a forceful democratic leader by his followers. Although he was known as a frontiersman, Jackson was personally dignified, courteous, and gentlemanly-with a devotion to the "gentleman'south code" that led him to fight several duels.


A forceful, at times vehement personality, Jackson continues to provoke controversy amidst historians, who see in him reflections of both the best and the worst tendencies of the new Republic.

Jackson was a archetype case of the self-made man who rose from a log motel to the White House, and he came to represent the aspirations of the ordinary denizen struggling to achieve wealth and status. He symbolized the "rise of the common man". Then total was his identification with this menstruum of American history that the years between 1828 and 1848 are frequently designated the "Historic period of Jackson".

The greatest popular hero of his fourth dimension, a human being of action, and an expansionist, Jackson was associated with the movement toward increased pop participation in government. He was regarded by many as the symbol of the democratic feelings of the time, and later generations were to speak of Jacksonian democracy.

His period offered new opportunities to the middle course. It was an era of liberal capitalism. Jackson had entreatment for the farmer, for the artisan, and for the small-business owner; he was viewed with suspicion and fear by people of established position, who considered him a dangerous upstart.

Jackson's career exemplified, and in many ways molded, the contradictory forces at work in the democratization of the early Democracy. In his appeals to the common human being, his attacks on privileged wealth, and his assist in building a new sort of mass political party, he advanced the causes of equal rights and majoritarian democracy. Yet those advances went hand in hand with the continued subjugation of Native Americans and a decision not to disturb the slavery issue. Jackson stood for a more egalitarian America, but his vision of commonwealth stopped squarely at the color line.

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What Was Andrew Jackson's Educational Background,


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